As an independant consultant, I help creative leaders create environments that enable great creative work to happen.

Creative teams and workplace culture can be complex and it’s not always easy to put your finger on what is and isn’t working or what needs to happen to get better results - particularly when you’re in the day-to-day weeds of it all…. If this is you, I can help.

How I can help

  • My independant health checks consist of 2 x 2hr workshops (online or in person) with leadership teams seeking an expert outside perspective.

    The first workshop is exploratory, designed to unpack the most pressing issues. The 2nd provides actionable recommendations to help you address them.

  • To better understand complex organisational issues, I offer independant 360 reviews. My reviews involve confidential stakeholder interviews and surveys to understand the perspectives, cultural narratives and norms underpinning these issues.

    Whether the result of my 360 is a report, a presentation, or both, I work with leadership teams to co-design solutions that work.

  • I work with creative leaders as they embark on new creative projects - to set them up for success.

    You are the expert in what you do. I just bring insight and knowledge about how to create and sustain creative workpaces that will help you get better results.

  • I run workshops for leaders and creative teams based on the Leadership Matters report, designed to bring to life how leaders can improve the creative and wellbeing outcomes on their projects.

    I offer a one-hour presentation, with interactive elements, followed by a Q&A designed to unpack the culture of the screen industry and how leaders can increase their impact.

    I also offer a two hour learning experience. The additional time allows for more interactivity, discussion and opportunities for participants to reflect on their own leadership style and practices.

  • Following a health check or 360 review, I support organisations to address the issues we’ve identified together. Working as a solo consultant, or in collaboration with a network of specialists, I can help with:

    • Advising and supporting change initiatives.

    • Developing communications strategies and plans.

    • Co-creating behavioural/social agreements between teams.

    • Co-creating mission, vision, purpose and values statements.

    • Designing and facilitating workshops and presentations to support communication and change efforts.

Leadership Matters provides insights into the culture of the Australian Screen Industry and how screen leaders can improve creative, commercial and wellbeing outcomes.